TDM Encyclopedia, Victoria Transport Policy Institute United We Ride.Gov : United we ride website - national resources for coordinated planning and mobility management
Transportation Demand Management TDM: is another (older) term for mobility management University of Michigan - SMART SMART undertakes research, demonstration projects, education, and global learning exchange on a range of issues related to the future of transportation in city regions around the world. Innovative Mobility Research (CA) IMR’s research examines and analyzes current transportation and land use options available to consumers and new transportation concepts and technologies that are emerging. UTRC2 Event: The Paradigm of Mobility: A radical change in urban transport to challenge sustainability. Sep 26, 2008. Georges Amar, Head of Prospective and Innovative Design Team (RATP). Dominique Laousse, RATP (Paris Metro). (The video is amaturish, but the presention is very insightful. The speakers discuss how mass transportation is being replaced by individuals, empowered with mobile internet access, who access new mobility services at will.) International Sustrans, UK Extensive collection of links: cycling, walking, sustainable mobility, European mobility management Socialdata, DE For more than 30 years, Socialdata conducted research for all kinds of public services including: mobility, town and living, environment, energy, health, social issues and communication. Socialdata has published survey results on modal splits by size of urban areas in Germany and other countries, and results of community education campaigns. European Union MMEPOMM is an international association for mobility management which developed as THE meeting place for Mobility Management practitioners and experts all over Europe. Carsharing AssociationThe CSA represents carsharing organizations (CSOs) interested in improving the credibility, quality of service and public knowledge of the carsharing industry.
Member organizations encourage growth of carsharing and related sustainable transportation services over profit margins, prioritize stakeholders over shareholders, and recognize that carsharing is an integral form of transit within a sustainable transportation network that includes walking, cycling, buses, trains and carpooling. |
Tompkins County, NY
Tompkins County Coordinated Transportation Planning: Coordinated Public Transit - Human Service Transportation Plan for Tompkins County, NY. Ithaca-Tompkins Transportation Council (ITCTC): 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan, Tompkins County , NY : Community mobility information and education. Sustainability Movement in Tompkins County National
National Center for Senior Transportation: seniors, tele-conferences, mobility management resources UnitedWeRide: mobility management strategies PDF Easter Seals Project Action Community Transportation Association of America Mobility Management Resources - CTAA: The Community Transportation Assoc. of America first issue of DigitalCT features Mobility Management. Nov 2010. Joblinks Employment Center (CTAA) American Public Transportation Assoc. Mobility Management Center for Neighborhood TechnologySince 1978, Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) has been a leader in promoting urban sustainability—the more effective use of existing resources and community assets to improve the health of natural systems and the wealth of people, today and in the future.
CNT is a creative think-and-do tank that combines rigorous research with effective solutions. CNT works across disciplines and issues, including transportation and community development, energy, water, and climate change. |